The DeWalt DW744X Table Saw is a Precision Powerhouse with a 15-amp Motor and a 10″ Blade
by Damien Andrews
DeWalt enjoys a well earned reputation for manufacturing quality tools and equipment. The DeWalt DW744X table saw upholds that reputation and offers features critical for professionals and advanced do-it-yourselfers. Whether you’re in the trades or an up and coming do-it-yourselfer, the DeWalt DW744X table saw will give you the power and features you want and need.
In June of 2008 I purchased my very first DeWalt product. It was the DeWalt DW744X table saw. Now, after using it for at least 100 hours, you couldn’t get me to let go of it.
Out of the box, the DeWalt DW744X table saw takes about 20 minutes to assemble and setup, including assembling the folding table saw stand that accompanies the saw. The setup is simple and straightforward, and the instructions for assembly are clearly written and illustrated. The instructions call for setting the rip fence gauge, but mine was dead-on from the factory. If you had to set the gauge, figure an additional 5 minutes from the box to ready-to-use.
To this reviewer, there are two critical elements to consider when buying a table saw. 1) The accuracy, ease of use and stability of the rip fence. 2) The power of the saw’s motor. In both of these departments, the DeWalt DW744X table saw excels.
The DeWalt DW744X table saw uses a unique rack and pinion rip fence guidance system. It is incredibly accurate. It is locked and unlocked by flipping a beefy single lever, which is conveniently located on the right front of the saw. Adjustments to the rip fence are made by rotating a large knob, which turns easily once the locking mechanism is released. Like the locking lever, the fence adjustment knob on the DeWalt DW744X table saw is located on the saw’s front.

All controls for the DeWalt 744DWX table saw are located conveniently for operator access and use. Overload protection is via a breaker mounted above the on/off switch.
The rip fence measurements are clearly displayed on a permanently mounted rule on the front of the saw. The rule has both inches, in 1/16″ increments, and centimeters. The rule is yellow with bold, clear black markings. Something my old, bifocal-assisted eyes really appreciate. I can unlock, reset and lock the rip fence in a matter of seconds.
The DeWalt DW744X table saw comes with the only two wrenches you’ll need for any adjustments and blade changes. These wrenches conveniently attach to the saw’s side in a recessed, out of the way area. One of these wrenches is a must-have, since it’s thin enough to perform its specific function. You may want to use your own wrenches for other tasks. The DeWalt DW744X table saw wrenches are quite substantial, but have narrow handles.
Despite the 26-½” X 19-¼” table surface area, the DeWalt DW744X table saw will measure, support and rip up to 26″. This is made possible by the extension rail system that the rack and pinion rip fence is mounted on. This feature means you get the benefits of measuring and ripping wide, but the convenience of moving and storing narrow. It’s a system I quickly came to appreciate.
Since the DeWalt DW744X table saw allows ripping to 26″, you can rip any width out of a full sheet of plywood. If you need a ripped piece 40″ wide, simply set the rip fence guide at 8″ MINUS the kerf. My saw blade’s kerf is 3/16″, so I would set my guide to 8″-3/16″ = 7-13/16″. This will leave me with a perfect 40″ wide sheet. (Note: the kerf width varies from saw blade to saw blade.)

Top view of the DeWalt 744DWX table saw on its folding stand with the rip fence set at 15″. View shows a generous, slick work table, miter gauge guides on either side of the blade and the clear plastic blade guard.
My DeWalt DW744X table saw came with a DeWalt brand 10″, 24-Tooth carbide saw blade. It is the first DeWalt saw blade I’ve ever used. Using only that blade, I completely framed, sheathed and decked a 1,700 square foot house – impressive performance and service life. I am currently working a project where ripping ¾” treated plywood is routine – and my DeWalt blade is finally starting to show its use: slower cutting requiring more pressure. It will be replaced with another DeWalt blade. (KERF: The width of the cut of a saw’s blade. The kerf must always be allowed for when measuring for cutting with a saw. Kerf widths vary from blade to blade.)
The DeWalt DW744X table saw comes with a great folding table saw stand, model #DW7440. It’s lightweight, fitted to the saw’s base and folds up for easy storage and transportation. The stand is conveniently only about 1″ wider than the saw – making it narrower to move about on the jobsite. The front and rear legs, however, extend about 12″ out from the body of the saw. Front and rear, not sides, are where a table saw really needs to be stable. So once again, DeWalt’s engineering has yielded both convenience and function.

The large, clear, easy-to-read rule for the fence guide makes precision settings for the rip fence fast and easy.
Here are the features of the DeWalt DW744X table saw, as gleaned from their website:
• Exclusive, telescoping fence delivers 24-1/2″ rip capacity without sacrificing portability
• Rack and Pinion fence rails make fence adjustments fast, smooth and accurate
• Telescoping rails retract within the saw top for easy portability
• Features a 15.0 Amp high-torque motor with the power to cut pressure-treated lumber and hardwoods
• Electronic feedback maintains blade speed during difficult applications
• Soft start allows blade to smoothly come up to speed
• Features a heavy-duty internal motor mechanism which stabilizes the arbor, keeping vibration to a minimum
• 2″ Dust Collection Port easily connects to a vacuum for efficient dust extraction
• 3-1/8″ depth of cut at 90° and 2-1/4″ at 45°
• 26-1/2″ X 19-1/4″ table surface provides superior material support
The DeWalt website goes on to mention that the DeWalt DW744X table saw includes:
• A 10″ 24-Tooth Carbide Blades
• Folding table saw stand (DW7440)
• Miter gauge
For those wanting or needing detailed specifications, the DeWalt website offers the following information:
• 15.0 Amps
• No Load Speed 3,650 rpm
• Blade Diameter 10″
• Arbor Size 5/8″
• Dust Port Diameter 2-1/4″
• Depth Of Cut At 90 Degrees 3-1/8″
• Depth Of Cut At 45 Degrees 2-1/4″
• Max Rip To Right Of Blade 24-1/2″
• Max Rip To Left Of Blade 15-1/2″
• Max Width Of Dado 13/16″
• Tool Weight 57 lbs
• Shipping Weight 98 lbs
I’ve never really been a master of using a table saw’s miter gauge. I use table saws for ripping. The miter gauge that came with my DeWalt DW744X table saw did not help my mitering skill set grow. In fact, when the head of the gauge is slightly off the table, the gauge is almost difficult to guide/move. I’d like to see some kind of high tech, ultra-slick plastic used both on the miter gauge and the guide slots. Of course, I’d also like to see that same plastic on the bottom of circular saw base plates. Well, one can dream…
Bottom line: If you’re interested in a great table saw, I highly recommend the DeWalt DW744X.
Pro tip: to ensure that the DeWalt DW744X table saw stays put on the portable stand, I simply drop four 6″ long, ¼” bolts through each of the outer holes. I don’t use nuts – they’re not going anywhere. They drop in fast, and come out quick and easy at the end of the day, or whenever you wish to relocate the saw.